Why Choose a Solar Hot Water System?

Make hay while the sun shines is an oft-heard phrase. Its modern-day version is as follows: “Make hot water while the sun shines.”

Solar hot water systems are gradually gaining popularity.

They are sustainable and beneficial in more ways than one.

Why invest in a solar hot water system?

It’s a RENEWABLE resource. And saves you money!

  • R – Reliable
  • E – Energy-efficient
  • N – Nature-friendly
  • E – Enjoy rebates
  • W – Weather perfect
  • A – Adaptable
  • B – Budget saver
  • L – Longevity
  • E – Easy maintenance

Solar Hot Water vs Electric Hot Water

R – Reliable

Sun is the boss here, so there’s no dearth of hot water. As long as the Sun rises, the solar hot water systems will heat water at your homes. Simply put, every day. There’s nothing more reliable than the Sun and a system powered by it. It’s 24×7 of hot water at your disposal.

E – Energy-efficient

Water heating systems tend to consume a lot of energy. This increases their running costs. The solar hot water system does just the opposite. It converts 70 to 80% of the Sun’s heat into energy at no added cost. Enjoy uninterrupted hot water supply with minimal energy consumption.

N – Nature-friendly

Greenhouse gas emissions are a major concern for domestic water heating systems. Australian households account for 23% of these harmful emissions. Solar hot water system eliminates this threat to a great extent. It uses clean and renewable energy and reduces your carbon footprint.

E – Enjoy rebates

There’s an added incentive for installing solar hot water systems. You can offset investment costs through the Government’s solar power rebates. In Queensland, you can get affordable energy through Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs). There is also the No Interest Loans Scheme (NILS). They provide electricity feed-in tariff and interest-free loans.

W – Weather perfect

Queensland and other parts of Australia fall under the sub-tropical zone. Its humid and hot conditions are ideal for both active and passive types of solar hot water systems. Freezing and sub-zero temperatures are never an issue here. The sun shines brightly over this Sunshine State.

A – Adaptability

Size matters! Spaces vary from household to household. Domestic solar hot water systems are less space-intensive. It is highly preferred by houses with limited space. Its water tanks come in variable sizes based on the usage of a household. So a typical 4 person family will need a system sized at 300 litres which has 2 panels.

B – Budget saver

You don’t have to allocate huge funds for electricity charges in your monthly budget anymore. Say goodbye to sky-high power bills. The solar hot water systems are cost-effective. It assures a fixed and reasonable cost as it provides a major part for free. It cuts down your existing bills by a whopping 60 to 80%.

L – Longevity

Solar hot water systems are highly durable. It lasts long, really long. A top-quality system can run for over two decades.  

E – Easy maintenance

It requires little or no maintenance post-installation. As a precautionary measure, you can get it inspected every few years. Otherwise, there are not too many overhead costs.

RENEWABLE is always valuable.

So best to call in the experts from SolaPlumb, we’ll inspect your site, assess your property, and then work with you to determine your unique needs and create a solution that fits your personal preferences.

Call us today on (07) 5315 8059 for your complete Solar Hot Water solution on the Gold Coast.

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