FREE on-location energy audits

Are you sick of worrying about the ever-increasing price of electricity?  Do you find yourself getting frustrated with family members that leave lights on and have very little regard for the amount of electricity they use?  

Why not get professional advice on how you can:

  • Reduce your electricity use,
  • Produce electricity for free, and
  • Store your own electricity for future use.
solar energy audit

We offer a free energy audit to Gold Coast home and business owners to:

  • Assess your current electricity usage
  • Outline where the major usage areas are
  • Provide advice on how you can reduce your usage with some easy to implement and longer-term solutions
  • Assess how much electricity you could potentially produce and store at your premise

After the audit you will have a good understanding of how your household can save money on electricity straight away, and how you can put a plan in place to slash your bills completely!

Call us now on 1300 GC SOLAR or 07 5535 6257 to book your free energy audit today!

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