3 Reasons to Consider Solar Heaters For Your Pool

There are few things as fun and relaxing as swimming in your own private pool. When the temperatures outside dip as the seasons change, though, the water temperature can drop. When you go to take a plunge, it can feel like you’re jumping into an ice bath! That’s the opposite of the relaxing feeling you want, and that is why many people turn to using a pool heater for their Gold Coast property. However, depending on the size and the volume of your pool, running a typical electric heater could generate a high-power bill, even if you do not heat the pool every day.

There is another, better, and more modern solution: solar power. The sun can already naturally warm your water, so why not use solar panels to capture that energy and use it to re-use it when you want? At SolaPlumb, we have two decades of experience in advanced water heating systems, including pool heaters. When you decide that it is time to consider your options on the Gold Coast for swimming pool heaters, we hope to be at the top of your list. Why are these systems such a good option for many homeowners? There are three main reasons worth considering.

Solar water heater

Enjoy comfortably warm water all year round

First, the Solartherm system we employ for pool heating projects offers a more compact and efficient installation that many other solutions. These tubing panels take up far less space than many other products on the market. Do you want to install PV panels on your roof to generate power for your home, too? Solartherm panels leave plenty of roof space free for additional solar installations.

Second, these heaters offer incredible durability and can stand the test of time, delivering long-term savings. Made from durable HDPE welded to the panel, they are resistant to wind damage and even troublesome birds. The long life of the materials ensures there are no leaks and maintains efficiency.

Finally, they offer excellent value and ease of use. The costs of an electric heater are clear. With a solar heater, your main power costs come from running the pump. Use the control panel to determine when you don’t need the pump to run, and rely upon the built-in controller to keep the pool warm when you intend to swim.

Choose the trusted source for pool heating on the Gold Coast

When you require a solution for pool heating on the Gold Coast, it should be clear that solar power is the way of the future for many homes. However, the exact products we recommend and install will depend on a variety of factors. From the orientation of your home to the amount of shade present on the property, we’ll take everything into account to design and implement an efficient heater. These modern systems make it easy to check the status of your pool at a glance, adjusting the temperature and more from a central control panel. Ready to learn more about this exciting option? Visit our contact page to connect with SolaPlumb.

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